He does it… Beautifully…

31 Days of Brannan – Day 7


[embedplusvideo height=”255″ width=”400″ editlink=”http://bit.ly/1jcVECl” standard=”http://www.youtube.com/v/qqezNt0gYfU?fs=1&vq=hd720″ vars=”ytid=qqezNt0gYfU&width=400&height=255&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=1&autoplay=0&react=0&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep4027″ /]


Today’s Playlist – Beautifully  (and the Behind the scenes)


I love the idea of pairing these two videos. Here is where Jay is pure bard. He spins one tale from the text of the song itself but with a clever and well chosen production crew they come up with a spin on it that is really a lovely twist on presenting the same tale but with a subtext that is just as riveting as the prose of the song.

The video is cast perfectly, with the strong chinned hero of the story – calling up the Hollywood leading men of the golden age of movie making. Indeed, the entire art direction was spot on with how they blended the classic films of that era and the behind the scenes of producing those types of classic movies.

The woman cast as the starlet who has fallen in love with her co-star (though he feigns either indifference or her status in “his” Hollywood isn’t up to snuff. He’s nice about it but his cold shoulder between ‘takes’ sets a very clear line in the sand between them).  I also love the inference that she takes no notice of Jay’s character who seems to look longingly at her but as a theatre usher or bellboy (I couldn’t really tell which) he is beneath her noticing his interest – in other words, the cycle continues unabated.

This video works on many levels and I particularly liked the behind the scenes that he posted. Having a daughter who was a cinema major only increased my desire to look behind the creation of various cinema projects. I always look for behind the scene sequences on any DVD or digital download from iTunes. They’re sort of my guilty pleasure. I am just addicted to the creative process. Sort of a junkie for that sort of thing. Even though I spent many a hour under the spotlight of the stage, I was actually more at home hanging out with the production crew. I worked for a theatrical distributor (of theatre lighting and sound equipment and such) so the tech/production crew were my peeps. I understood them. I get what they’re about. Sure performing is cool and all – and I’ve been lucky enough to play to some very large houses but the tech crew were always home to me.

So thanks Jay for posting this. The people who are often only names during the credit roll. I think it’s totally cool that you gave them a moment on your channel.

I got to have my guilty pleasure of a BTS moment, and got to enjoy the fruits of your (and your crews) labors.


[embedplusvideo height=”255″ width=”400″ editlink=”http://bit.ly/1jcVNFS” standard=”http://www.youtube.com/v/D8mhsgcVhJw?fs=1&vq=hd720″ vars=”ytid=D8mhsgcVhJw&width=400&height=255&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=1&autoplay=0&react=0&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep1331″ /]


The Always, Then & Now Tour…

Sidebar: I bought my Deluxe Package from Jay Brannan’s store for the tour he’s embarking on now. The cost of the deluxe package is $40 and you get quite a bit for it. There are other packages as well. But that isn’t why I did it. I did it because I truly feel indebted to this man of words and music. I am enriched by his musical musings and experiences. I am emboldened to discover that I am not alone in my dreams and fears. And for that I will always support him and do what I can to spread the word.


picture of deluxe tour package

The deluxe tour package from Jay Brannan’s merchandise store – get this or many other offerings from his site.


Please check out his site with links for his upcoming shows. I am definitely a late comer to the Brannan bandwagon whenever he pulls through my city. But now that I am going this year, I am making it a goal never to miss when he swings through town. I hope you take advantage of the opportunity as well. Also be sure to check out his web store at the following link.

Jay's Website - jaybrannan.com
Jay’s Website – jaybrannan.com









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