What I Am Working On Now …

I am happy to report that I am now a part of the NineStar Press family of authors. After four years of being indie, it’s nice to have a home with such a talented group of writers, editors and artists. (Rubs Hands) Can’t wait to get started! My Summer of Love via NineStar Press. Available NOW.
So what happens when you take an established cast of characters from a contemporary queer romance series and plop them down in an alternate world in the disco swinging 70s and fill it with real angels, demons and things that go bump in the night? You get a retelling of my Angels of Mercy turned into Mercy’s Little Angels - Nephilim is due out First quarter of 2019!

A continuation of the 2014 debut of Shrill of Sparrows - due out first quarter of 2019.
A Quarrel of Sparrows is a slightly saucy take on a pack werewolves nestled in the heights of the Appalachian mountains of 1956 West Virginia.
A Quarrel of Sparrows is a slightly saucy take on a pack werewolves nestled in the heights of the Appalachian mountains of 1956 West Virginia.
local star quarterback Marco Sforza; their lives, and those closest to them will never be the same.
Angels of Mercy (the series) has recently been acquired by NineStar Press and will be released by them the first, His Summer of Love, in June of 2019, and Before The Fall, in August of the same year.
Angels of Mercy (the series) has recently been acquired by NineStar Press and will be released by them the first, His Summer of Love, in June of 2019, and Before The Fall, in August of the same year.

The inspiration for the Cove Chronicle series sprang from the creation story of the Haudenosaunee.
My story is rooted in this creation story but diverges along a slightly different path. It also borrows heavily in quantum mechanics. Quantum Entanglements, string theory, multi-verse, Bubble Nucleation... it’s all good. And it’s all in there with a Native perception twist. The first book of the series, Beware Mohawks Bearing Gifts, due out October 28th, 2019 by NineStar Press.
My story is rooted in this creation story but diverges along a slightly different path. It also borrows heavily in quantum mechanics. Quantum Entanglements, string theory, multi-verse, Bubble Nucleation... it’s all good. And it’s all in there with a Native perception twist. The first book of the series, Beware Mohawks Bearing Gifts, due out October 28th, 2019 by NineStar Press.
Quotes & Excerpts
Dusk - Magic time…
On him it was nothing short of breathtakingly beautiful. Dusk made love to my boyfriend in ways I could scarce imagine; he practically glowed in the waning light. A Maxfield Parrish kind of glow. Heroic, almost god like in its etherealness. There were no other words to describe him: he was transcendently beautiful. But it seemed his words were not about him just now, this was about me. About us.
On him it was nothing short of breathtakingly beautiful. Dusk made love to my boyfriend in ways I could scarce imagine; he practically glowed in the waning light. A Maxfield Parrish kind of glow. Heroic, almost god like in its etherealness. There were no other words to describe him: he was transcendently beautiful. But it seemed his words were not about him just now, this was about me. About us.
Elliot Donahey – Angels of Mercy - Volume One: Elliot, Chapter 2
Satan’s Circus
The name alone conjures up a visage of villainy.
A bright red effigy of Satan nailed to the doorway of the tavern made no pretense as to what sort of clientele this establishment served. Gluttony and wickedness made a home here.
To be sure, as taverns went, she did not disappoint. The Circus was not where one went to hone their craft of skulduggery and malicious behavior. If you had to perfect your craft, you had best do it elsewhere. Only the most proficient sharks, wildcats and beasts could call The Circus their home.
William M Hallett - Beware Mohawks Bearing Gifts - Chapter 1
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General Disclaimer - As I write fictional literature with a decidedly queer perspective, I want to make it abundantly clear that I have used imagery of male models that I feel help me convey the vision I have in my head and in my works, but in NO WAY does it imply, construe or insinuate the nature of the male model's proclivities or personal orientation. They are intended merely as a representation as near to I can come to visually describe the men in my works. All copyrights apply to their original content owners (where applicable). I make no such claim.