It’s all in the marketing…
A fanboy’s perspective on science going sexy…
So the hubby sent me a youtube that I thought was pretty fucking cool. It is for a science paper released to the world via reputable journal. The thing is, the guy who was part of the team decided that with all of the work that went into it that it was missing something, that it warranted something a bit…more. A bit more… Hollywood.
Cool, right?
So this sorta was right up my alley as I am literally married to an actual rocket scientist. And while I am not fully versant with the whole quantum mechanics thing – I mean when I look at his stuff (meaning his books and science journals) I think of them as my picture books. I mean I am not stupid by any stretch of the imagination but really, we’re talking quantum mechanics here and I just never went there academically. So yeah, picture books to me.
I admire scientists. Fuck, I married one.
So yeah – I fully admit that that I fanboy the fuck out on scientists. Full on geeky sci-boy sorta love. Guy or girl – don’t matter. I love them all. I admire their dedication to their passions. And scientists are very, very passionate people. My hubby bubbles over with it – and for a quiet and private kinda guy that he is – his passions are very hot and heavy when he gets excited about something. That’s why I love scientists. When they’re passionate – they fucking light up. Like Christmas trees. It’s rather amazing to watch. If you ever have the opportunity to speak to a scientist – ask him or her why they do what they do and watch the fireworks happen.
My buddy Chuck is like that too. He isn’t a scientist, not really. But he sure has the brain for it. When he and my hubby talked about that sorta stuff – well, they both practically glowed. It was hella hot to watch two men riff on something completely esoteric to me but watch the passionate interchange of ideas. I admire brain power. I do. Which is why this little video caught my attention. In one small video – a scientist captured the passion they all feel. It doesn’t matter that you may not grasp it – watch it. You’ll at least see the passion. And gosh-a-mighty, as my Aunt would say, when they light up – it’s rather spectacular.
And this youtube video sorta exemplifies it…
[embedplusvideo height=”255″ width=”400″ editlink=”” standard=”″ vars=”ytid=Pdp659BBR3Q&width=400&height=255&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=1&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=¬es=” id=”ep7383″ /]
I mean this is cool on an epic level! And why shouldn’t a scientific paper not get this sorta polish? It may be in jest (at least partially) but I think it’s pretty damned hot and amazing all in one little youtube vid.
This is something that Neil deGrasse Tyson might even like. Hell his fan club does:
So I say bully for the scientists! I get what they’re on about – and why not get a little sexy with science? After all sex is science – and in that way we’re all practitioners, aren’t we?
I know I like to practice it whenever I get the chance…
Wow, it just occurred to me … I am a scientist in that my books have quite a bit of sex in them. Yeah, that’s probably a real stretch. But with me and my hubby’s picture books (or what I call “picture books” though they actually make sense to him), that’s about as close as I’ll ever get.
So spread the word and a little love to those geeky science boys who give us so much and often don’t get their full props. These men and women are amazing.
Now it’s time to find the hubby and practice a little bit of science…